Monday 29 August 2011

So... Started blogging - again.

Ssssoooo... Again, I have opened a blog. Why do I even bother, I wonder. D:
Anyway, figured out I can show some pictures I take during class here, and keep you updated on my daily life. Also, I'll keep you updated here when I move to England. 

I wont be doing any of that "oh mai gawd, hey'all! My name is liek Sara, and I am sooooo awesome and purrty" shit. Forget it, people. Just... Forget it. If you wanna know about me, then keep an eye on this blog and you'll learn eventually. I'll post my spasm moments when I see a new movie, or when I try a new anime and ect. I'll might even do previews and crits. If I feel up to it, though.

..... I can't believe I am wasting my time on blogging...
~ Sara