Monday 27 August 2012


Figured I've been posting too much depressing shit lately, I could fill this blog with some love as well. <3

Things are going alright here in Peterborough. I really miss home, but it's only a matter of days now before I go back to Bergen for Raptus. Not looking forward to the trip over, though. I'm such a nervewrack when it comes to long distance official transport, and switching trains and whatnots are just not something I look forward to.
But I will manage, the trip -back- is the worst part.

Anyway, I am looking forward to see everyone again. My god how I miss them! <3 ;O;
Urm, what else? Oh! I've joined this wildlife rescue-thing. I don't get to work, so I'm gonna sign up for a wildlife rescue senter as well for exotic animals as well. Gonna be great!

Also gotten some new friends, online that is. I'm still all "can't believe this" as they are two of my fav artists ever on Deviantart, and somehow during one of them's streams they recognized me from dA and now we're gonna meet up at London MCM Expo in October. c:
It really cheered me up talking with them too, as I've been down lately. ;O;

Opened two accounts on as well, though you'll only get to know one of them; AiyariBakaPie.
If you're interested in my written shit go there. c:

Mrrrh~ think that's pretty much it, really. I do draw a little, but that's only traditional as my retarded dad has lost the pen. =_=

Over and out ~
// Ai

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Arrived in the UK.

Title explains itself, I have arrived in England. It's nice here, but I have to say this is something I wish I never did.

It's as they all say, you don't know what you have before it's gone. I miss everyone in Bergen, I miss Tegneloftet, I miss those moments where I can pick up the phone and call the gang, going "hi guys, wanna meet up tomorrow?".

*smashes head in the wall* I really am beginning to regret this whole "moving to England" thing. I wanna go home to my friends, my family. I miss how it didn't cost a fortune to visit my girlfriend.

I just wanna go home.