Monday 31 October 2011

The boring days continue

Nothing is happening lately... FFFH! So I'm not being lazy with updates, it's just that... Nothing is freakin' happening.

Have spent some time home, hanging around with my dog and cat; Bonita and Cass. <3
Also spent some time with Kèrri-pon. Finally I got my tablet back, which she have been borrowing, so I can finally doodle again. I had promised myself not to draw a Halloween drawing, yet my first doodle ended up with this shit here...

It's supposed to be a witch version of teenager-Fleur, holding two marionettes of Wing and Ciel. I was thinking on having fun with glow-effects and such, but I don't know if I'll bother to finish the drawing. I hate outlining, and as you can see I have only outlined the head. Dx

*sinks down in corner while listening to Japanese radio on iTunes* I BLAME THEE FOR THIS, FU-PON!! D<

Oh, that's right! Was to the cinema with Kèrri-pon, Muffin, Zingzo and Mmmmmmaren? Her name was Maren, right? I'm not good with names...
We watched Tintin: The Mystery of the Unicorn. To be honest I was really suspicious to it, as I really love the old cartoons. But it was genius, and people could hear me and Kèrri laughing our asses off in there. xD

That's all for now I guess. Happy Halloween.
- Ai

Saturday 22 October 2011

A whole new obsession.

As the title pretty much explains, I have gone obsessed over something new. Something, which have upgraded my otaku power to a whole new level. I have started to game and download otome games.

Now you probably rip out your hair and think "what the hell is an otome game? Speak English, you retarded pie!" Well. As kind as I am, I have decided to tell you exactly what this sort of game is. It is rather addictive, though, so if you feel like trying it out and you go obsessed; I wont be blamed.

An otome game is a game where you play as one main character, and one only. Otome stands for "young maiden", which means that whenever a game says "otome", it's most likely for girls. Anyway, you play as this one girl through a visual novel type of game where you meet a certain amount of guys during the gameplay. Mostly it's 3, 4 or 6 guys, and they all have different personalities. As you play, you will get choices that will determine which of the characters you will fall in love with, and to which ending you will get. There are several endings, so when you have finished the game, it doesn't mean you have finished the plot or the gameplay. Each of the guys have each of their plot, and they all mostly have like three different endings.
Otome games are most often in Japanese, which means it can be difficult to find the known ones in English. And of course; most of the downloads are demos. You have to be good to find a free version of a full game. I was just lucky with Yo-Jin-Bo (one of the games I have downloaded).

I know, it sounds like shit. But it's so fun. ; n ;
Currently I have only tried a few, but I do have two favorites; RE:Alistar++ and Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards. Curretly I'm trying my hardest to download Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful ~ Wonder World~, which seems to be rather hard. It's nearly impossible to find it in English, and so I decided to just try and download the Japanese version; which have like 20+ parts I have to download. Then I need a translator! Dx
Also, I will soon get to try out the known game Clannad, which had an anime and manga based on it. A friend of mine have gotten a download of the full game~ Ah, so happy~ *shot*

If I ever get to finish the downloading, get a translator that works and play it, though, I will most likely post a review here. If anyone cares. >_>
Plus the site to where I downloaded it and probably where I got the translator - if it works.

In my personal life nothing special have happened. There's a movie festival coming up which my class are going to. Also, I have been spending a lot of time geeking anime. One called Sket-Dance, which Kèrri and I found through a crossover with Gintama, have proved itself worthy of our eyes. We have gone obsessed. xD

That's all I've got for now.
Mata ne <3

- Ai

Monday 17 October 2011

The title which ran away~

Because I couldn't think of a title. Period.

Not much have really happened while I forgot to update this thing. I've been hanging around a lot with Teci-chan, derping Hetalia which I am now completely obsessed over. Kesese~ Prussia. <3
Also been derping around with Kèrri-pon, because she's an amazing person who is one of the funniest persons ever. Been watching some Sket Dance and Gintama with her. <3

Nothing else have really happened. My mood's been at the bottom for a while now, and it feels like a black hole is eating me from the inside. xD
But I wont start being all emo'ish about it. I bet it's nothing to worry about.

- Sara.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

And so nothing was happening.

It's true, my title that is. I have nothing interesting to say. Kèrri was over at my place last weekend, and we had a great time. We went for a walk for about 5 hours at the mountain, took a lot of pictures and had a great time. When we got back down we ate taco for dinner, and so we watched some Gintama. It. Killed. Us. We laughed straight for an hour, so hard that I cried of pain and Kèw got an asthma attack. Lol, we fail. XD

Was sleeping over at her place last night, I seriously love her brother's bed. I hope he stay away for a long time so I can steal it. <3
Nah, just kidding. Also, the time of me going to Teci-chan's place is closing in! It's the day after tomorrow, woohoo! <3
That's pretty much it, though. Nothing is happening with my life, ugh! ; n ;