Thursday, 8 December 2011

Quick update.

Hi you all.

As normal I have forgotten my blog completely, but I guess it doesn't matter. As usual I have no interesting updates.
I've spent the last time trying to work on my drawings, but I have cornered into block again.
Made a new character, his name is Julestjerne (though his TRUE name is the latin form; Euphorbia Pulcherrima):
He's a shy flower fairy, and "Julestjernen" (Christmas star) is the flower he is. He has a small form as well, his fairy form, but usually he keeps the appearance of a teen around... maybe 17/18 with bushy, red hair.
I'll try to have a more proper ref done for him.
He's a shy and timid guy who stays out of trouble, and he doesn't usually speak much. He is a bit childish and naive as well, but he always try to protect those he cares about. He can't fight at all, though, and he dislikes fire. He need water daily to live.

Also... Started to re-watch Naruto Shippuuden. I like the art style, alright? Deal with it.

- Sara

Friday, 2 December 2011

A little update ~

Oh god, it's been ages since I updated this dusty thing. As usual things aren't really happening, so I haven't been able to think of anything to write about.

I am currently waiting for my first proper cosplay; Italy Feliciano from Hetalia. <3
It's really exiting, I can hardly wait for it to come. Also, gonna use it at a convention in Larvik called BanzaiCon, which is being held 13-15th April. I'M GONNA MEET AILIN!! YAY!!
*cough* Anyway... *cough*
Have been doodling a little as well, though there is nothing interesting. Written some on small, different Hetalia fanfics as well. Working on some weird hybrid-version of "me" and "Teci" in the Hetalia world as chibies. It started out as a wannabe version of the Chibitalia style, but ended up with some new style on my own. xD
*shows preview thing*
Hopefully Teci will be so kind and color it for me. <3

Tried out some different styles, it feels like my art is starting to develop somewhere now. I still don't know how or why, but it seems like I am getting a lot of inspiration from Teci-chan. > v >
Again, I am sorry for running off with parts of your style... ;;

Other than those boring updates, the café me and Teci is working at during Thursdays are going fine. Though it is quite annoying that we don't get our money the way we should. We are supposed to have a firm system where we get about 200-300 kr for the ingredients we need for food, but no. Of course we don't get it, because the person who is supposed to fix it is too LAZY. ARGH! *rage*

Oh, and just a little fun fact-thing; Never listen to France's character song before you fall asleep. Really.
My grandmother woke me up this morning so I would get up in time for school, I was half awake, dreaming about something like me and Japan had to measure the symmetry of France. Idk. So in my mind, granny was Germany who tried to force me to train, so I screamed out "WAIT!! I JUST HAVE TO FIND THE SYMMETRY OF FRANCE!!" really loud. Then I realized what I said, so I went "... I-I AM AWAKE; SHUT UP! I'm c-coming.. Symmetry... Need the symmetr.. Symmetry? Why would I even..?" then I sat up. it was beyond embarrassing and I am really happy it didn't happen while I slept over at a friend's place. xD
According to granny, I had been mumbling about France for nearly an hour as well. Why HIM of all characters? Why not Prussia? ; n ;

... Have a free doodle I did in class just now.

- Sara