Wednesday, 21 September 2011

And the title was what again?

Trollolol about the title, I couldn't think of anything, as I don't really have a special theme of today's post.

Anyway, I am spending my days in Bergen, and it's raining as usual. WHICH IS TYPICAL AS I HAVE JUST GOTTEN A NEW CAMERRRRA! SCREW YOU STUPID KARMA.  I have spent some time watching stuff and downloading anime I probably will never watch. Except from Gintama, I will always watch that show. <3
Currently I am sitting in class, supposed to make some fliers for a concert. Ugh, it's boring, so I am doodling on this instead. 
Which by the way, is far from easy when I don't know the small design of the dragon Branna. xD;
Kèrri-chan, you must show me a design so I can outline Sonja finito ; n ;
Shush on you all, I can see the flaws of my anatomy. But thankies to Fu-pon for helping me with the torso-anatomy. <3  

Yeah... What else? Besides from me drowning, I have tried out the english dubbed Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler). Ew. Double Ew. Forever fucking EWWW!! It was terrible, never waste your life on watching that shit! Stick to the Japanese one if you love the series. Also, tried out season 2 of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. Om nom nom, though I finally understand why I didn't understand a shit when I tried to download the anime. I had downloaded season 2, not season 1. xD;
Anyway, Kyon is suffering as always, Nagato is as silent as always, Mikuru is as desu-kawaii-sparkle-sue as always, Koizumi is as sexy as always, and Haruhi is... just Haruhi. Great to see that everything is as it's supposed to be this far. Though eppie 2-4 was DAMN ANNOYING. Haven't seen further yet, but it's like three identical episodes (not literally, but those who have seen it understand what I mean). No fun to watch that when you're nearly dying from too little sleep. other than that, yummy series. <3 

Gonna geek D.Gray-man when I get home, I've gotten back into the yummy series because of the manga, which is delicious. Ahaha, I think DGM is on my top 5 list... <3

But gonna leave you all now, see ya <3

- Sara

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